Augustus 2017 Door Harley-Davidson zijn enkele updates beschikbaar gesteld voor de Premium Boom! 6.5 systemen, dus de systemen met navigatie. 

De changelog volgens Harley:


Notice stating that “Some models are susceptible to damage from vibration. Refer to the user manual” has been updated to clarify that it applies to some older media devices when plugged into the USB (Universal serial bus) port. New notice will now state “Some media devices are susceptible to damage from vibration. Refer to the user manual”.


Siri® operation fixes.
Siri not initiating in some instances with long press of VR (Voice recognition) button.
VR cancelling Siri initiation despite activation through button press.
VR initializes prior to Siri initiation.
Global presets from USB device grayed out in display despite USB device plugged in.
Global presets are highlighted even after USB device is removed.
Scroll down button selects last item in media list in some instances.
Squelch pop up not shown properly in all instances after squelch button activation.
Map database names in some international regions were not fully displayed.
Next turn shown on weather map in some instances.
Various bug fixes.

Zorg voor de update naar dat de vorige versie al geïnstalleerd is.
Deze versie heeft als changelog:

•  Intermittent software lock up caused by long text strings in lists
•  Traffic settings missing from setup menu for HDI software
•  Intermittent loss of audio and voice recognition after prompt
•  Siri not launching consistently if voice recognition is activated
•  Software freeze with intermittent USB cable operation
•  POI searches "near destination" was searching near current Position
•  Unintentional exit from user off mode due to media playing
•  High contrast mode fixes, track information, progress bar, and voice recognition commands visible in high contrast mode
•  Screen pop-ups not clearing after Bluetooth pairing
•  Screen freezes when using older/worn USB cables
•  Blank screen occurrence when using navigation and requesting weather information
•  Scrolling to last option in list causes an unintentional selection of last option



De installatie kan je uitvoeren door de software op te halen van de Harley site:

De software moet je daarna op een USB stick zetten in op de Harley kan je dan de installatie stappen uitvoeren.

Navigatie update

Er is ook een update van de Harley-Davidson dealer lijst, deze is in POI formaat aan te passen op je Harley Infotainment systeem en ook hiervan is een update beschikbaar.
De laatste versie hiervan heet 2017 Q2




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